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Bug reports

Coscine is open source software and its source code can be viewed by anyone. Collaboration, bug reports and feature requests by the community are very welcome.

Coscine in GitLab

Coscine is developed collaboratively using version control software at GitLab.

Did you discover a bug? Are you missing an essential feature for your work with Coscine? Then feel free to contact us and send us your bug reports and feature requests.

In order to facilitate quick processing of your request please make sure to include at least the following infos:

For problems with projects

(You can find the information to a specific project by first clicking on the project name and then in the navigation bar on the left handside select settings -> Configuration & Metadata.)

  • project name
  • PID
  • Detailed description of the issue (screenshots or videos welcome)

For problems with a resource

(You can find the information to a specific resource by first clicking on the resource and then selecting the pen icon next to the resource name. Alternatively the pen icon appears when hovering over the resource name with the mouse before the resource is selected.)

  • Project name
  • Resource type (e.g. Web, S3, etc.)
  • PID
  • Has the resource been set to archived? (yes/no)
  • How does your workflow for uploading a file or metadata look like?
    • Do you use the web interface in the browser or an S3 client? If S3-Client is used, which one?
    • Do you use a script for automatic file upload?
  • How many users are affected by the issue (e.g. no access to the resource or files are not displayed correctly) - is everyone affected or just certain people?
  • Does the issue appear to occur randomly?

For problems regarding the User Profile

(You can find the information to your user account in Coscine by clicking on your name in the upper right corner and then selecting User Profile)

  • Email address
  • What kind of login method is used to sign into Coscine
    • Single Sign-on, NFDI4Ing-AAI (RegApp) or ORCiD?
    • Did you already link your sign-in methods?
  • Organization (e.g. RWTH)
  • User-ID
  • Did you create any API-Tokens and if so have you encountered any errors when using them?