Quota Test Projects

There are special test projects so that researchers can be provided with storage space in Coscine on a trial basis. There is a superordinate project called "DH.NRW-Hochschulen Testspeicherplatz", to which only the Coscine service management is assigned.

Each DH.NRW university has a project with the name of the corresponding university and five further sub-projects. The superordinate project is for orientation purposes only and has no storage space. The FDM staff of the relevant university are added to the projects as owners. All five sub-projects receive 100 GB of S3 quota so that researchers can extensively test the uploading and downloading of research data. The FDM staff can then add test users from the university to a project as members.

A guideline for naming the test projects and adding them etc. can be found here:

  • The project names of the sub-projects can be customized as desired. As a test project is usually assigned for two months, the name can be changed to the date of deletion, for example. Before the two months expire, the test users should be informed and asked to delete any remaining data. For orientation purposes, the project name can then be changed to "empty" to maintain an overview.

  • If more than five test projects are required for your university, please contact the Coscine team.

  • Requests for test projects are handled by the respective universities, as is the coordination of the test projects.

  • For example, the communication to the user can look like this:

"Thank you for your request. We would like to invite you to test Coscine and the RDS resources in the role of "Member" in a test project. The test project has been allocated 1 GB of storage space for RDS-S3 resources. For RDS-Web resources, you have 100 GB available for testing. You can create resources within the project and test the uploading and downloading of files. The duration of testing is 2 months from invitation to the project. You can see the deletion date from the project title. At the end of the 2 months, you will be removed from the project and any remaining files and associated resources will be deleted. If other people from your project need access to the test project, please send us the names and e-mail addresses of all the people relevant to the test. If you require more storage space or a longer period of time for your testing, please let us know by email, stating the reasons."