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To make it easier for you to create your own application profiles, Coscine provides a generator for user-defined application profiles. This not only allows you to create application profiles, but also validates them for syntactical correctness. You can then easily transfer your application profile directly into Coscine via the generator.

Create a new Application Profile

When creating a new resource, at step 3 "Resource Metadata" you can either select an existing application profile or select the "Create" option (see figure below). Selecting "Create" will take you to the Application Profile Generator page.

Neues Applikationsprofil erstellen - Navigation zum Applikationsprofil-Generator

Figure 1 - Create a a new Application Profile - Navigation to the Application Profile Generator

About the Application Profile Generator

Application profiles in Coscine are formulated using SHACL and maintained in RDF data format. This format grants users the ability to specify the structure of their metadata. To enable the creation of application profiles, Coscine provides the Application Profile Generator - a simple GUI making it easier to develop an application profile without deep technical knowledge of the underlying data format.


Figure 2 - Interface of the Formgenerator

After navigating to the aforementioned URL, you will be confronted with the interface illustrated in the screenshot above. Note that some of the buttons described above in the menu bar may not be available in every state of the generator. Located at the top of the interface is a menu bar which you can use to perform various actions:


Figure 3 - Menubar with Action and Add Token option

Via "Action" (see figure above) you get access to the following options:


  • Create a new application profile from scratch.


We recommend this option for professionals - as a beginner it makes sense to base your work on an already established application profile and adapt it to your own needs.


  • Copy an existing application profile to add new fields or delete old fields.
  • These changes can then be published in a new application profile.


  • Extend an already existing application profile with new fields
  • Existing fields of the application profile cannot be changed
  • These changes can then be published in a new application profile

New version

  • Here you create a new version of an already existing application profile.
  • You remain in the context of the previous version of the application profile, changes are technically traceable
  • Based on the previous version, new fields can be added or old fields can be deleted.
  • These changes can then be published in a new application profile.


If an application profile is set as 'Closed', it cannot be extended. Therefore, for closed application profiles, the corresponding 'Extend' action is not selectable under the actions.

Add Token

Via "Add token" (see figure on top) you can specify a personal Coscine user token, which allows you to publish your application profile directly from now on. Without a token, you can only store an application profile locally. If you have been brought to the application profile generator via Coscine, you can ignore this function.

Editor, graph and preview of metadata

In the top center you will find the three interlinked buttons "Editor", "Graph" and "Metadata" (see figure above). Via a click you can switch between the editor view, a graphical rendering of the dependencies and a preview of the final application profile, e.g. to check the functionality and correctness of your progress so far.


Figure 4 - Menu bar with Editor und Vorschau

Code View

Using the Code View (the pen icon or hamburger icon - see figure below), you can switch between the actual RDF format and the more user-friendly representation of this format shown by the generator in the "Detail View" section.


Figure 5 - Menu bar with Code view and save option


The "Save" button (see figure above) allows you to save your application profile...

  • save it locally to your hard disk (always recommended as a backup)
  • submit it via Git request for publishing on Coscine using the "Submit" button


The Application Profile is validated by the RDM team prior to publication, hence why the integration in Coscine could take up to 4 weeks.

Web interface of the application profile generator

The interface is divided into four columns:

Available Application Profiles

Here you will find an overview of all application profiles publicly available in Coscine. The text field at the top allows you to filter the listed application profiles by name. By clicking on a list entry, the corresponding application profile is loaded into the generator and made available for you to view. You can then view the individual fields of the application profile in the Detail View section.

Vocabulary terms

This section allows you to search for existing and established vocabulary terms. For example, if you want to add a date field to your application profile, you can search for the keyword "date" in the search bar and add this field to your own application profile. The search function searches all ontologies of the NFDI4Ing Terminology Service. Hover over the search results to find out the origin of each field. If you click on a field, it will be added to the current application profile and consequently appear in the "Detail View" section.

Detail view

In the detail view all fields of the currently selected application profile are listed. If you are currently editing or extending the profile, you can click on the fields to edit them using the last column. You can remove individual fields by clicking on the red cross on the far right. However, you can only do this if you are editing an application profile (i.e. if you have loaded it for editing via the pull-down menu or created a new profile).

  • Gear: Edit Application Profiles
Property Description Correlation
Application Profile URL Editable, after /ap/ a unique name should be specified for the profile, e.g. "" subject/baseURL
Title name of the application profile dcterms:title
Description Description of the application profile rdfs:comment
Creator The person that created the application profile dcterms:creator
Creation Date When the application profile has been created dcterms:created
License License under which the application profile has been published dcterms:license
Subject Scientific domain for which the application profile has been created dcterms:subject
Inherits from With the "Expand" option, the underlying application profile is displayed here sh:node
Target Class Copy URL of the application profile (see above) or specify class of an ontology sh:targetClass
Closed Determines whether additional metadata fields can be specified by users sh:closed
Field Properties

If you have selected a field in the detail view, its parameters and properties appear for editing in the "Field properties" section.

Standard properties
Property Description Correlation
Term IRI Pfad/URL zur Definition des Terms SHACL sh:path
Field Name Display name of the field in Coscine SHACL sh:name
Minimal required entries Minumum amount of values that have to be specified by the user SHACL sh:minCount
Maximum required entries Maximum amount of values that can be specified by the user SHACL sh:maxCount
Position on Metadaten-Form Display order of the property among the other properties SHACL sh:order
Property type Type of property - "Data type" by default SHACL sh:property
Datatype Data type/format of the expected input values (default: string) based on the XML Schema datatypes. SHACL sh:datatype
Property Types
Property Description Correlation
Datatype Explicit datatype, e.g. string, date, integer SHACL sh:datatype
Node Kind Currently not implemented in Coscine SHACL sh:nodeKind
Class Supplied value has to be an instance of the class, e.g. (Definition) SHACL sh:class
Node Points to another validating application profile, e.g. SHACL sh:node
Liste List of string values, e.g. Apple, Banana, Lemon SHACL sh:in
Wert Explicit expected value (Currently not supported in Coscine) SHACL sh:hasValue
String Properties
Property Description Correlation
Default value Default value in the field SHACL sh:defaultValue
Single Line String values cannot have line breaks dash:singleLine
Minimum Length Minimum occurrence of the value SHACL sh:minLength
Maximum length Maximum occurrence of the value SHACL sh:maxLength
Regex Pattern Regex Pattern for the validation of the value SHACL sh:pattern
Regex Flags Regex Flags SHACL sh:flags
Value Properties
Property Description Correlation
Minimum Exklusive Set the range of values for a term, Minimum Exklusive (Example: if Min. Exlusive= "1" then value "1" is disallowed) SHACL sh:minExclusive
Minimum Inklusive Inklusive Set the range of values for a term, Maximum Inklusive SHACL sh:minInclusive
Maximum Exklusive Set the range of values for a term, Maximum Exklusive SHACL sh:maxExclusive
Maximum Inklusive Set the range of values for a term, Maximum Inklusive SHACL sh:maxInclusive
Administrative Properties
Property Description Correlation
Description Description of the field displayed to the user SHACL sh:description
Error message Error message, displayed upon a general error SHACL sh:message
Severity Severity of the error SHACL sh:severity
Properties for property pairs
Property Description Correlation
Equal To The property the provided value should be equal to sh:equals
Disjoint To The property the provided value should be disjoint to sh:disjoint
Less Than The property the provided value should be less than to sh:lessThan
Less Than or Equal To The property the provided value should be less than or equal to sh:lessThanOrEquals
Properties for Qualified Shapes
Property Description Correlation
Qualified Value Shape URL/Definition of a conforming qualifying application profile SHACL sh:qualifiedValueShape
Qualified Min Count Set the minimum amount of qualified shapes allowed SHACL sh:qualifiedMinCount
Qualified Max Count Set the maximum allowed amount of qualified shapes SHACL sh:qualifiedMaxCount
Qualified Value Shapes Disjoint Turn on/off whether qualified value shapes are allowed to be disjoint SHACL sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint


For an easier selection of a suitable data type, please use the following figure for orientation and/or refer to the corresponding page more information.


Figure 6 - Tree diagram of the different data types (Quelle:
Error severity
Property Description Correlation
Info In case of an erroneous value an information about the error is displayed (currently not supported in Coscine) SHACL sh:Info
Warning In case of an erroneous value a warning about the error is displayed (currently not supported in Coscine) SHACL sh:Warning
Violation In case of an erroneous value an information about the error is displayed and the value is rejected SHACL sh:Violation


To show you how to use the shape generator, we have made a short example of how to use it: Example: Creation of an application profile.