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Storage Management

A (sub-)project in Coscine has a certain storage contingent, also called quota. Per (sub-)project, you can assign, manage and extend quota to the associated Resource Types. If you want to apply for storage space, please find the link to the application platform in the first table on resource types and storage space per project.

Default storage space

Resource Types and Storage space per project

Resource Type RDS Authorized External users Application Platform
RDS-Web 25 GB default; up to 100 GB with self service no storage space RDS-Web resources
RDS-S3 no default; up to 125TB with RDS application no storage space RDS-S3 resources
RDS-WORM no default; up to 125TB with RDS application no storage space RDS-WORM resources
Linked Data no limit since no storage space required no limit since no storage space required No application required

The following institutions are granted access to storage space on the RDS:

  • RWTH Aachen University
  • FH Aachen
  • University of Duisburg-Essen
  • TU Dortmund
  • Ruhr University Bochum
  • HAWs & FHs of NRW
  • Projects with NFDI participation.

Projects with NFDI participation do not receive a default quota in Coscine, as this information is not passed on automatically. For this reason, a storage space request must be submitted and this must indicate what the NFDI participation within the project looks like. This can be done, for example, by an active data steward of the NFDI in the project.

So far, the RWTH Aachen University as well as University of Duisburg-Essen (since October 2023) are using the Jards portal for storage applications. Please read the instructions for requesting storage space below. If you are from another institution, please contact your local IT/FDM support first.


Please consider the following points before requesting storage space:
- When uploading many small files, each file will take up 256 kB.
- To allow a smooth data upload as well as download, we recommend file sizes of 100 MB to 5 GB.
- If possible, choose file formats that automatically split large files (e.g. ZARR or hdf5-hsds).

Manage storage space

You can access the storage space management via the "Settings -> Manage Quota" option in the sidebar on the left side of the project start page (see figure below). If you want to manage the quota of a subproject, you have to switch to the project page of the respective subproject and call the option from there.


Figure 1 - Project Dashboard with "Settings" option on the left side

Quota Management Tool

The Quota Management Tool will now open (see figure below). In the upper level under the item "Quota Management" you can define the storage quota of the project for a specific resource type in each case. You can select the resource type whose storage quota you want to manage via the "Resource Type" drop-down list at the top right. The common Coscine resource types are available for selection. Not available for selection are, for example, externally managed resources without storage space requirements such as Linked Data. The reserved storage space always refers to one resource type, not to all resource types together.


25 GB reserved memory for the RWTH-RDS-Web resource type does not apply simultaneously to the RWTH-RDS-S3 resource type. The RWTH-RDS-S3 resource type has separate storage space and must be selected (or requested) separately.


Figure 2 - Overview over project quota

Quota allocation to resources

In the lower level under the item "Resources" you can distribute the memory of a resource type reserved under "Quota Management" to your resources already existing in the project. To do this, you can use the sliders on the right side under "Adjust Quota". Note that the reserved memory for a resource type is shared by all resources, which means that your resources must share the memory.


With 150GB of available memory in the project, you cannot reserve 150GB to a resource X and 150GB to a resource Y. Instead, you must make a split such as 50:50 (75GB:75GB).

Requesting storage space

To request additional storage for RDS-Web, RDS-WORM or RDS-S3 resources, the following criteria must be met:

  • You have created a project and, if applicable, all associated subprojects in Coscine (see Creating Projects and Subprojects)
  • You know how much storage space is required for the main project (and the respective subprojects)
  • You are employed at the RWTH, FH Aachen, UDE or an associated organisation of the RWTH (students and externals cannot apply for storage space, this has to be done by the employed project manager)
  • You know which metadata you want to use (see Metadata and Application Profiles)

Everything applicable? If yes, you can access the respective application platforms via the following links:
- RDS-S3 resources
- RDS-Web resources
- RDS-WORM resources

We from the FDM team will perform a short review and get back to you if there are any queries. Please note that the review and allocation of storage space can take up to 2 weeks. If everything is in order, we will allocate the requested quota to your project. You will receive a confirmation email after the space is allocated.

Still something unclear? Then visit our pages on Creating Projects and Metadata and Application Profiles or send us an email.

Requesting storage space for testing

Coscine users are not allocated test storage space of RDS resources for individual projects. If you want to test the use of RDS resources, we will invite you to a specially created test project with 1 GB RDS-S3 storage space for 2 months. Due to the fact that the project title will be the date of the deletion you can not decide about the project title yourself.

Requests are made via the respective support email address of the university (for RWTH via The following information is required:

Names and email addresses of all persons relevant for the testing as well as the name of the organisation (e.g. RWTH Aachen).

If you need more storage space or a longer period of time for your testing, please let us know via email with appropriate justification.


The duration of the testing is 2 months from invitation to the testing project. From the title of the project you can see the date of deletion. After the expiration of the 2 months you will be removed from the project and if necessary still existing files and the associated resources deleted.